Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Our Lukie

Luke, our 5 year old, is so hilarious to us. I mean Will was hilarious too and still is hilarious in his own way, but Will is much more serious than Luke. Luke is very random, loud speaker and says whatever is on his mind. Will would never be caught doing such things, he plans everything out, speaks calmly and definitely thinks before he speaks!

I never want to forget this about Luke. He has said some of the silliest things lately and I want to be able to document them, one day he will no longer say these things.

1. He talks about Jesus and our Lord ALL the time! He is always the one to strike up a conversation about Heaven, Hell, Jesus, Jesus' shoes, God or animals in Heaven. I love it about Luke. I LOVE that he does not care who is around or where we are, if he feels the need to talk about Him, he will. This morning he brought me my "Heaven is for Real" book. I read it about a year ago and never realized he had it in his room and was looking at Jesus' picture a lot. This morning he said, while pointing to the picture of Jesus in the book "Mom this is the real picture of Jesus" I said "Yes it is Luke, isn't Jesus so handsome" he said "He looks really nice Mom. I can't wait to go to Heaven, I know Jesus will make me fish stick's". Of course I came back saying yes to all of these things but what I loved the most was that he honestly thinks of Jesus as his friend. He already has a love for Jesus in his heart and as I told Luke this morning, I can't wait to go to Heaven either!!

2. Luke has always been in love with babies. Yes it is a blessing considering he will have a baby brother very soon. Every time and I mean every time I eat, he always says that the baby is sitting in my belly with his mouth open and food is just dropping in his mouth, like a fish! ha!!

3. Luke loves to eat and there is not one thing that I can think of that he will not eat. I think it's hilarious because at dinner when we sit down to eat, he will not talk, he eats all of his food and then is ready to talk. He does not even drink hardly while eating. ha! He takes eating very serious and wants to enjoy it!

4. Will likes to sleep with Luke every night. Luke would prefer him to sleep in his own bed because Luke says he needs his space. Each night it is a battle but we think it is hilarious.

These are just a few things I want to remember about my sweet Lukie! He has part of my heart and he is a amazing, independent child. I love you sweet Luke, you keep us all laughing all the time! I hope that never changes about you!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

27 weeks preggo

How far along?
27 weeks

Total weight gain/loss:
So far 18 lbs, not too bad but I started out heavy so I would like to not gain much more! I go for my glucose test and seeing the doctor next Tuesday, I have probably gained a lot since my last appointment.

Maternity clothes?
Yes, all the time. Certain pants drives him crazy because he constantly pushes on the bands, but I can not fit in anything but maternity pants, still able to wear some shirts that are not maternity.

Sleep not too bad, just starting to get the EVIL leg cramps or charlie horses. Also I'm starting to sleep lighter than usual, so that is a bummer!
Best moment this week:
Finalizing his name so I can order all of his personalized things!!  

Uh, yeah. This kid is WILD! I am slightly concerned that he may be more active than his brothers… oh well, I guess I’ll lose my baby weight fast keeping up with these boys!

Food cravings:
Starting to crave sweets, not good considering my glucose test is coming up.

Boy - James "Weston" Clements

Labor Signs:
None at all. Just a few braxton hicks but trying to stay on top of my water intake.

Belly Button in or out?
Way in, kind of crazy how deep my belly button must be.

Stretch marks?
Let’s not talk about it, just know that I would love to be speaking to a plastic surgeon after delivery!

What I miss:
Nothing, feeling very blessed!!

What I am looking forward to:
getting my glucose test over with, starting on his room and finishing up projects around the house I want done before he comes AND I'm having a family "sprinkle" in GA with all of my family and a friends "sprinkle" here. Just a good excuse to have people get together, I thought it was tacky to have a shower but it's a cute idea to have a sprinkle, instead of shower. It will be nice to get some diapers!

Weekly Wisdom:
Drink water until you can’t anymore… then drink some more.

Very happy to be 27 weeks along and still going strong. Hope this continues another 13 weeks! :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

26 weeks preggo

How far along?
26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 
So far 18 lbs, not too bad but I started out heavy so I would like to not gain much more! 
Maternity clothes?
Yes, all the time. Certain pants drives him crazy because he constantly pushes on the bands, but I can not fit in anything but maternity pants, still able to wear some shirts that are not maternity.
Sleep not too bad, just starting to get the EVIL leg cramps or charlie horses. Oh Lord I had my first one Saturday night. I woke up crying and poor John was so worried. Then he said when it was done I fell straight back to sleep. ha, my leg is still sore from the cramp!
Best moment this week:
Well not this week but a few weeks ago J felt him moving like crazy. The look on his Daddy's face was just so sweet. He was so happy he was able to finally feel him kicking around.
Uh, yeah. This kid is WILD! I am slightly concerned that he may be more active than his brothers… oh well, I guess I’ll lose my baby weight fast keeping up with these boys!
Food cravings:
Starting to crave sweets, not good considering my glucose test is coming up.
Boy - still no name!! :(
Labor Signs:
None at all. Just a few braxton hicks but trying to stay on top of my water intake.
Belly Button in or out?
Way in, kind of crazy how deep my belly button must be.
Stretch marks?
Let’s not talk about it, okay?
What I miss:
Nothing, feeling very blessed!!
What I am looking forward to:
getting my glucose test over with, starting on his room and finishing up projects around the house I want done before he comes.
Weekly Wisdom:
Drink water until you can’t anymore… then drink some more.
Very happy to be 26 weeks along and still going strong. Hope this continues another 14 weeks! :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Michael Jordan??

The past few weeks we have found ourselves so busy just getting this house back in order. I feel for awhile now I have "let things go" so I have tried to de-clutter the house, throw away things we don't need and organize spaces because we will need more space for the baby. 

Since God has blessed me with 3 boys, I see lots of sports in my future. I honestly would not have it any other way because I am that parent that gets into the games that your children are playing in. It is so different than my normal personality, I am usually very laid back and calm. Something just comes out of me and I become this cheerful, supportive and a critic (when needed). The hubs is right there next to me cheering Will along to basketball and I must say basketball has become his sport.

I always want my children to find passion in something that is useful and will keep them busy (along with us as well) and particularly a sport. Will has found "his sport". He is honestly very good at basketball and has averaged 10 points per game. He is so serious about it and I am so happy it makes his heart so happy. Not to mention he is meeting some really great friends and I am really enjoying being a "team mom" spending time with other Mom's with boys the same age as my boys. Him starting basketball this year has really been a great blessing to our family! On February 3, on our last game, I might cry because I will miss it so much! We will be looking forward to next year and will also be looking forward to watch Luke start soccer soon! I know Luke will be great at soccer!!

My Dad came for a visit and I'm so happy he was able to stay to watch Will play. Pop Pop (my Dad) doesn't come around much because he travels for business and he is always super busy. When he does come or we see him it is always so much fun!! The boys enjoy learning new things about Pop Pop each time we spend time with him and I know he is enjoying seeing his Grandson's growing up. We love you Pop Pop!

I will eventually get to my 26 week post early this week. Can you believe I only have 14 more weeks and then this next blessing will join our family?? I really just have a few things to do around the house before getting to his room. I have everything mapped out as to what I want to do for his room, the paint color is bought, his bedding is picked out (I just need to finalize who I want to make it) and then that's really it with his room.

I hope you all are having a blessed January and I will update you all on my lovely (yeah right) stats for my 26 week post!

Love y'all!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I usually do not set resolutions for myself because I know I will not go through with them. Instead I like to call them "goals" (it is really the same thing, just goals are easier for me to accomplish). I know weird, huh??
This year I have a few things I want to accomplish, I think most of it is within the next 4 months, considering this Prince will be joining our family is 16 weeks or less! Eeeee!
So here you go, my goals for 2012!!

1. Be happy! I have had the blues lately, not ashamed to say it so just praying for happy days ahead!!
2. Be patient! Patience is not easy for me, especially during crazy pregnancy hormones, so this would be nice to have during the next year, especially with the boys and the hubs... poor things!
3. Be a better wife, mother, friend, daughter, employee: as you can imagine I need to be happy and have patience to accomplish this "goal". I have FAITH!
4. GROW my faith!! Enough said ~ this should come a lot easier to me then it does.
5. Finalize this poor childs name, he is still nameless!! Any good names out there? We are making a list!
6. Cook healthy meals for my family. Since I'm pregnant and have not wanted to cook anything, it is easy for us to swing by somewhere to get dinner or lunch. I need to make a effort to eat healthier and cook healthier meals for my family. They depend on ME!
7. Finish my bathroom, paint boys bathroom, finish nursery (things have been picked out, just have not done a thing), new window treatments and IF I'm lucky, new floors!!! I want ALL of this done by April... :)
8. Drink more h2o!

I'm sure I'm forgetting some but these are just the main goals I'm wanting to accomplish this year!!

We are 24 weeks along and I can't believe it!! I feel like we have so much to do in so little time! I'm still feeling great so while I'm feeling good, I need to continue to working on all of these accomplishments!!

Today I went for a check-up. Appointment was at 11am, still at 12:30 they had not called me back. I was LIVID!! Not that I had to wait, but that NO ONE decided it was important to let his patients know he is running behind. If they would of told me when I got there I would have rescheduled. Needless to say, I made that point to everyone and then rescheduled. I could not wait another minute and thought it was so rude for the none existence of communication. What is wrong with common courtesy these days?

I have been swelling bad lately but think that is due to the fact that I do not drink a lot of water. Since I started drinking gallons of water per day, that seems to be under control!

Hope you ladies have a blessed Tuesday!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas 2011

We had a great Christmas this year! We do every year but this year I was honestly worried for a month before Christmas worrying about how it would all turn out. This pregnancy has given me horrible emotional and mental problems. With that being said, when my family (Mom, brother and his girlfriend) decided to make the trip to Memphis to visit us all for Christmas, I paniced. I told the hubs that I wanted to call it off and have no family in town, I did not think my nerves could handle it this year. He quickly calmed me down and said it would be fine to just allow them to come and I'm SO glad he made me feel better. We had a GREAT visit!!

Christmas Eve we went to the Peabody Hotel here in Memphis and had dinner. It was really nice having Mom, Brandon and Bre in town and celebrating in a different way. The boys and all of us really enjoyed our time. It was beautiful and a wonderful experience. 

 ( Mom and the boys at the Peabody)

 ( The boys on Christmas morning waiting patiently for us to allow them to open presents!)

 (Luke playing his new ds game, both boys got a ds from Santa.)

 (Mom on Christmas night, we had my family over Christmas night for dinner and exchanging gifts)

 (Brandon and Luke painting a picture)

(Mom and Bre enjoying each other's company)

My brother, Brandon has been dating Bre for awhile now. She is the first girl he has brought home. So she is really special to us all. They live in Denver so this is the first time for me to meet her and she could not be more perfect for our family. They are like two peas in a pod and just PERFECT! I'm so happy for him!

Thank you Mom, Brandon and Bre for making the trip to visit us for Christmas. It turned out to be a perfect Christmas and we are so blessed to have you all in our lives!!

Merry Christmas to 2011!!!