Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Midweek Randoms :)

It has been awhile since I have participated in the Midweek Randoms so I thought this week is a perfect time to do so.

I'm always thinking of great blog posts and then I completely forget. I need to start a "note" on my phone to remind me of ideas I come up with.

  • Westin is having problems with his ears. He is on his third month of a constant ear infection and the pediatrician is now discussing tubes. To be honest, this scares me because Will and Luke never had to have tubes. The pediatrician says that with Westin's age and the cold/flu season just now starting that means he will more than likely have them for many more months. His history is he gets on an antibiotic and day 2 AFTER finishing the medicine they are back and we are at the doctor. Poor thing!
  • The crazy thing is when that sweet little fella has the ear infections you would virtually NEVER know. He is still such a happy baby, sleeps all night and eats really well. I can tell just by his attitude and him pulling on the ears.
  • Will has been suffering from stomach problems. We haven't detected what exactly the problem is but honestly it's on my nerves. I'm not sure if he's telling the truth or not but I sure hope he wouldn't lie about it. I don't think he is but I do think he suffers from anxiety more than stomach pains.
  • We are headed to Georgia this weekend to visit my family. I can't wait!!! It will be a quick visit but so much fun! :)
  • This year for Christmas the boys are not getting much from Santa. I sure hope they are ok with that. They asked for 1 big gift and we are getting it, with some games and that is about it besides some clothes they need. Usually all they care about is the gift they wanted and that's it so I'm hoping they are still ok with it this year. Plus Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles are all getting them gifts, they will have plenty!
  • I'm starting to organize my house more. I have felt very overwhelmed with having 3 kids (not that this has anything to do with more kids) but it is SO difficult to get all that you want to get done in 1 day, plus everything else on your plate. At night I take 1 thing I want to do and just do it. Last night was organizing and cleaning my silverware drawer. Lots of things we never use I threw away and I cleaned the drawer with cleaner. That felt nice! Next on my list is the older boys room, it is a disaster!

I pray you all are having a blessed week! It's almost December! Just crazy!!!! :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

This year for Thanksgiving we didn't travel to Georgia and stayed home to visit with the hubs family. It was lots of fun! I cooked TONS of food so I only took a few pictures. The hubs was so sweet to help with the kids but he managed to dress them (Westin clearly has no pants) and I asked him to take pictures, which he did but only of Westin and his siblings. I didn't get any of Will and Luke. Oh well... we always have next year! Even though I was cooking and running around like a crazy lady, I had SO much fun. It was my first year making the food without my Mom so I was proud of myself.

Here I am with my sweet sister in law, Kimberly. Love this girl and so thankful for our family and friendship!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones. I sure missed my family so much but we are headed there next weekend to visit and do our Holiday get together. I'm super excited and will have tons of pictures from that, hopefully! :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Westin is 7 months old! (and 15 days)

This is the cutest 7 month old booty in the world!

I can't even begin to believe Westin is getting so close to being 1. I mean where does the time go? Even though my uterus will always miss my newborns, I'm SO enjoying this stage! He is FULL of himself and he knows he is a special little boy to all of our hearts. He cracks himself up all the time and thinks his big brothers are the BEST thing ever! It is an amazing feeling seeing all of your babies having fun together, no matter what age they are. Here are some fun facts about Westin right now.

Height: 26.5 in

Weight: 16 lbs. 8 oz  (he has lost almost 1 pound, we are on our 2nd double ear infection right now in 1 month so the doctor believes he has lost weight from that. I sure hope that is all it is causing him to lose weight, plus this boy is jumping all the time now!)

Sleeping Pattern: Takes two 2 hour naps during the day (most days but not all), sleeps from 7pm til 7am each night (every single night), no lie!!!

Eating Habits: We are just now on all formula as of last week. It does break my heart but I'm so happy and blessed I was able to nurse for 7 months. My goal was 6 so 7 was much better! I got sick and it was so hard to get my supply back up, plus it was like wrestling a lion each time to get him to nurse so I figured he might be done as well. So, he has 5 6 oz bottles each day. In the morning he eats cereal and fruit, at dinner he eats 1 fruit and 1 vegetable. 

Development: Grabs his toys on his play mat, sitting up with support, ROLLING OVER! Sitting up all by himself, loves to stand up if I'm holding him! Starting to "baby talk" and squeal all the time now. It's hilarious and he thinks he's so funny! Curious - this child is so nosey!! I have no idea where he gets it from. :)

Cuteness: Everything about this child is cute! He cracks up at everything and everyone. His brothers are the best thing he's ever seen. He LOVES him Momma and LOVES to play with his Daddy!! It is really the cutest thing I've ever seen when I see him talk and love on his Daddy, he and Daddy have a special bond!

Talking: He is cooing and trying to talk all the time - especially to his Daddy. :)

Favorites: Mr. Fan and his Mr. Giraffe are his best friends! He also just started enjoying books. He LOVES books. He loves his brothers and Daddy as well!

Firsts: Belly laughs, moving all over his crib at night, keeps his paci in for record time but still loves his left thumb.

Concerns: At this time I'm concerned about his ears. We just finished up our 3rd anitbiotic for his 3rd double ear infection, all back to back and now I think another one is back. So I'm praying for healing and for us not to have to get tubes. Will and Luke did not have to get tubes so I've never been down that road.  

A Day in the Life: Wakes up at 7am, smiling like a cutie pie. Change diaper, eats, plays for a little while. Around 8:30a he eats cereal and fruit, then naps for 2 hours. Eats again at 11a, plays a little bit more, goes down for afternoon nap around 1p. Wakes up at 3p starving, eats, plays til 5p, then always wants to eat again. He eats cereal and veggies around 6pm then has a bath and is asleep before 7:30pm each night.

Westin is a little light shining all the time! He continues to be such a blessing to our family and I don't know how he brings so much joy to our lives, but he does. He has such a fun personality and I look forward to his many more first and more memories!

We love you sweet Bubbie and your getting so big! You will always be our baby though! :)

Halloween Recap

 I do understand Halloween was 3 weeks ago but ya know.... my life is just busy, busy with 3 boys!
I took these pictures in our front yard of Westin. He is trying to give me a leaf in this one, he's not too sure about the grass. :)

Here is a close up on that little fella getting him a leaf. I could eat those tiny fingers up, I just love him so much!

Westin was a pumpkin this year. Yes I know so original. He was super cute and didn't mind the costume at all. He is such my chill baby. I look kind of scary in this picture, I had a house full of crazy kids and adults but this is the only good picture of Westin. 

My two older boogers wore these dark clothes and a silly mask. Of course they took the mask off about 2 minutes after having them on. Therefore I have no pictures of them with the mask on but they sure are precious in this picture.

I'm not a huge fan of Halloween. The only thing I like about it is that fall has come. That is such an exciting time after the blazing hot summer's we have here in Memphis. Regardless the boys had a blast and that is all that matters.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I know everyone and their mother is on a thankfulness and gratitude kick. I love how one month of the year I see people on facebook and their blogs saying what they are thankful for, unfortunately we should have that type of mindset much more often!

I'm the kind of person that if everyone is doing it, internally I struggle with not wanting to do the same thing. I saw so many people doing the thankful post on facebook and I said "well I'm not doing that, I'm not going to be like everyone else". That is just how my mind works. Last weekend though I was enjoying a nice article out of the Good Housekeeping magazine. (BTW - I just LOVE that magazine) It was all about gratitude and how everyone shows it in different ways. At that point I decided well why not tell my friends and family each day of this month what I'm so thankful for... and why not take it a step further?

I would say I'm not a real affectionate person or vocal about my feelings. I like to show people, especially my family how much I appreciate them by notes I leave around the house, letters I send to family / friends in the mail and by doing for others. I love to do things for people. I really enjoy seeing the happiness it brings on peoples faces when you do nice things for them.

The reason I'm saying that is because I'm actually thinking of starting a business about doing "certain" things for other people. I'm not sure if it will all come together but I promise when it does I will let you all know what it's all about.

During the month of November I have been putting notes in the boys lunch boxes to let them know each day why I'm so thankful about for them. All of my children are my life, they are the reason I was put on this earth, they are part of MY story and I just love them so much. Unfortunately I'm sure I don't show it all the time. I know they are enjoying those sweet notes. They are my sunshine! Below is a list, thus far of what I'm so thankful for each day. I will continue this each day this month or atleast try to keep up with it! :) 

Day 1: Thankful to my Lord for His loving arms, shoulder to cry on and His friendship. We have a special relationship and it is something amazing! He has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams and I know He has bigger plans for our family, we are waiting for Him!

Day 2: my husband. He is an awesome guy. God made us for each other and the older I get the more I realize how amazing that is. We married so young and we are still going strong. So many people doubted us but like I said above, when my friends where having a blast in college, I was doing the complete opposite. I was in college, but I fell in love and I knew I wanted to marry this guy, right away. We did and the rest is history, I'm so thankful that the Lord has his hand on our marriage and continues to teach us lessons (so hard to listen) and bless us!

Day 3: my unselfish mother. She is my best friend, I could not always say this but she is seriously the one person I go to when all else fails. We talk several times a day and it is the hardest to not have her in the same city as me. Mom and I have never had a normal relationship. The Lord almost took her home almost 15 years ago but He had bigger plans for her. I took care of her and nursed her back to health. She is my rock and is a huge part of my life. I thank the Lord each day for saving her life.

Day 4: my 3 sweet souls that the Lord has trusted us to care for. They are amazing and continue to make us laugh, teach us so much and are pure joys. Will, Luke and Will carry my heart in the palms of their hands, my life is for them!

Day 5: SEC football, we just love football at our house. We are all about going to games and watching games. Thank goodness I have boys who are just as affectionate about football as I am. It is so much fun!

Day 6: the right to vote. The election was interesting and that's all I will say about that!

Day 7: very thankful to have a job to help provide for my family's future! It is hard for woman to stay home these days, I know lots of people do and I could do that but I choose not to. I love my job, I couldn't imagine not being here and I'm even more thankful to work part time so I get the best of both worlds. I work for an amazing company, they are very flexible with my crazy kiddo schedule.

Have a thankfulness day my friends!!