Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Perdido Key Part 2

Over the past several years our boys have played the same league for sports which is actually at our church. The boys have met a sweet boy named Jackson and we have also become great friends with his parents and little sister. This family is so sweet to us and they decided to meet us down at the beach and spend some time with us. They were able to get a condo in the same condominium as us so the kids had a BALL!!!! It was a great time for all of us! I'm so glad they were able to make it and make memories with our family!
Here is myself and Jackson's Mom, Tiffany.

This picture is from one of my early morning quiet times I had on the balcony, all by myself. Just God and I spending time together. It was Heaven!!!
The picture of John in the pool cracks me up for some reason. Having a goofy time is all we know how to do, I love that man! Then Westin just sitting on the sit, I promise I could eat his little cuteness right up!!

I LOVE this picture of Luke with his thumbs up, this is his personality to a tee! My little Lukie-Luke is always 100% happy (unless you beat him at a game, he's still learning to lose).
It was a bright and sunny day! Loving the beach! Note: we both have our sunglasses on our heads, doesn't make a lot of sense. :)  

Since Westin didn't like the beach a whole lot, he was very fond of taking great naps on the beach each afternoon. It was perfection and my time to enjoy laying out without a toddler on me.

Jackson and Will with some boogie boards. They boogied their little hearts out so much that they had boogie board burns on them that had to be doctored each night. From what they said, it was totally worth it Mom!


This was me the entire time Westin was awake and on the beach. His eyes are so light blue that when he didn't want to wear his hat, he couldn't see anything. Poor thing, but I enjoyed the bonding with this angel!!
One night we drove into Gulf Shores and went to LuLu's. It was a BLAST and seriously Disneyworld at the beach. It was so much fun for the kids and adults. We waited for 2 hours to eat but enjoyed the entire time. Here is a picture of our family and us with our friends. Sorry for the crazy eyes, the person taking these pictures didn't do the best of jobs. (Personally, my pet peeve!)

Sweet boys and sweet friends!

I told you it was bright and this was the last day at the beach so it was really HOT outside and the water was freezing. I thought that was kind of odd, it was so different then any other day we had on the beach. That day we spent mostly at the pool.
Daddy was proud of this fake gator, he is known for taking pictures on vacation with big fake animals. Then one day at lunch we found a rebel! :)

Will enjoying some fresh oysters with Daddy and I. He is definitely our boy! Daddy and I can tear up some oysters and Will has become a huge fan!
Me and my sweet Lukie Luke! Special memories where made on this wonderful trip! 

I can't wait to take another fun trip with my family. We literally live for all of our vacations, they are so much fun and usually much needed at that time. Taking time away from every day life is wonderful to do and such a blessing. Coming home back to reality is difficult to do! I with each day was a vacation but then we wouldn't treasure that time as much as we do.
My next post on Perdido Key will be with our beach pictures. Fun times! :)

Perdido Key Part 1

This year was our second time to go to Perdido Key for family vacation. It was such a wonderful time this summer and the whole week with all 4 of my special boys was a dream come true. The water was unusually clear and perfect all the way around. Westin was not the biggest fan of the beach but that boy could play at the pool for hours on end. Spending time at the beach with your loved ones is my happy place.
Our first day on the beach, boogie boards in hand! :)

Although this is Westin's second time to experience the beach, it was his first time to remember.

Luke was COVERED in sand from playing endless hours of football.

Night out with my hubby!

My handsome man playing in the big sand box playground with our kiddos.

This was the first time for him to actually play in the sand, this took lots of convincing. :)

The ages of Will & Luke are my favorite. (Although I do say this at every age) They are very independent boys now but they are still so innocent and sweet. Will loves to have big boy conversations with us which makes my heart happy. Expressing my beliefs to him about certain things he has questions about is a good feeling people.
Stay tuned for part 2. Hopefully I can get the next part of our trip on one more post. :)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Nashville Trip 2014

My Mom was so kind and gracious to have Will & Luke for over 2 weeks in Georgia, the first part of the summer. They did everything from VBS with their cousins to cook outs with my family. It was a blast and they didn't want to leave. I think they would of stayed if we had not been about to take our beach trip. We met up in Nashville to pick them up from her and had a blast.
Westin stayed home with us so when he saw his big brothers he was a happy boy!! Here they are back together again!

We went to the Gaylord Opryland Hotel that evening, it was tons of fun. Mom could never look straight at the camera, lol...

While we were in town we ate at the Aquarium Restaurant, it was so awesome for the kids! Eating under the tanks while fish and sharks swam above you was too cool. Not to mention it kept the kids entertained the entire dinner.

Westin also had a problem looking at the camera as well, ha.. He sure does love his DeeDee!

 My Nanny makes the BEST pound cakes and she was so kind to make one for us. Mom brought it to Nashville and we snacked on the whole time.

It was so nice having all of my boys home again under one roof but I can not express the happiness on my face that they get to experience those memories each year with my family. It makes me sad that I can't be with them in Georgia but them being with my Mom makes it ok. Little brother was a different kid again having them home, he didn't know what to do without them!