Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's late y'all...'s real late and we have church early in the morning and for hours now I've been reading, commenting and trying to catch up on facebook and my blog. I do love nights like these though, I'm thankful they are far and few between, but they are fun and make me feel great being caught up.

If only my laundry was now caught up like my cyber duties, I have been on laundry strike this week. Actually, I'm waiting to see how long I will go until the hubs realizes I haven't done laundry and my clean clothes are starting to run out. Since I only wear 5 of the 100 panties I have, my strike is dreadfully coming to a end, but I do like to do things like this just to see if he will ever say anything... I kid you not y'all, I could go a month without doing anything and he would not breath a word. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen, it drives me NUTS if I don't do laundry every day, he on the other hand, as long as he has clean clothes, he is cool beans. He can CONVENIENTLY over look the fact that our laundry is piling up or our dishes need to be washed. I wish I had that same mind set, but if I did, nothing in this house would get done...ha. So, I guess that's a blessing!

Today Will's team had their 2nd game, they WON!!! He was beyond, super excited! Everyone did such a great job and yes on September 18th, I got a sunburn. Thanks to the almost 100 temps here in the Midsouth.... it's nice to have a little color though :)

The past few days I'm also trying to use nicer tones with the boys. Sometimes if I'm busy or got lots of things on my mind, I will be kind of short with them and maybe not have much patience.... (patience is a virtue, I do believe that strongly, it's so darn hard at times) but it's working y'all. I read this book, it has helped me in situations to just be more calm. My goal is to make my home more peaceful, as long as Momma is peaceful and calm, the rest of the families attitudes follow!

Hope y'all are enjoying your weekend! Sorry for the random topics in this post, just got many different things on my mind!

Monday, September 13, 2010


I PASSED my final exam to get my licensing for my job! This is a huge accomplishment for me and makes me super happy to have this behind me!!! Life lately is looking up so much, all I could to today was Praise God for all of these sweet, small but wonderful blessings He has placed my our lives lately!!!!! :)

Last Thursday after Will's practice, my Mom surprised us and was sitting in my front lawn when we got home. I was speechless and so excited to see her! She is beyond my best friend and going months without seeing her KILLS me, I had a mini break down last week and she had to come see me.... Thank you Lord for this woman you placed in my life, she's my Mom but she's so much more to me!!!

Friday night we took the boys to the Delta Fair. It was fun, but I can only take so much of the fair people.... I mean, I'm sorry but the fair brings out the weirdest people... "God love them" but come on, it's crazy!!!! It's a great place to "people watch"

We had a great time though and the boys were just SO excited and did so well! Here's a picture of Lukie and I on the Ferris wheel... we did the big one and I was TERRIFIED the whole time. I use to love fun crazy things, but since having kids, I can't do anything a slight bit scary, my anxiety level was high but it was fun and the boys could not believe how high we were :)

(I just noticed Luke looks a little nervous in this picture...ha)

Hope y'all are having a blessed week!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just Because

It's time for some pics and just a quick update on life lately. Here's a recap, I hope y'all had a wonderful Labor day weekend like we did!!!!

Here's Daddy and Will leaving Will's recent football practice, they are in a serious discussion of how wonderfully proud of Will we are because we are shocked at how good he is in football. If only we can get him to start acting right at school, then he'd be a perfect kid.... I'm not sure what the deal is with the bad conduct reports.... UGH!!!

This is Logan my beautiful nephew, he is getting nice a chunky and beautiful, he's such a sweet little addition to our family. I'm so thankful to be his proud Aunt!!!

The boys and I after church.... Will's face is hilarious to me and my hair is a lot darker than this now... I'm really enjoying it being dark!

Will after a long day at school, poor baby tuckered out on my bed one afternoon (don't tell anyone that I slipped in beside him for about an hour, it felt so nice!)

And this is Luke with Ally and Nate, they are our sweet neighbors that just moved this week to Chattanooga! Not only are we jealous, but we miss them like CRAZY!!!! These kids played all the time together and we are still in withdrawl mode. It sucks but we can't wait to visit!!!

Hope y'all are having a blessed week! Please say a special prayer this week about my job, I'm taking a big exam and need many prayers!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's September already

Can y'all believe it's September 2nd? I mean before long I will be carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating, headed to Momma's for Thanksgiving and doing my Christmas shopping.. Oh how I love this time of the year!!! I can just smell the Holidays right around the corner.
(seriously, I'm smelling a fall festive candle right now)

I have several different things to update y'all on and it's been a week since I last blogged, so it's time for a post. So far I've lost 6 lbs with my insulin back in control, I've been on my medication 2 weeks today. Thank you Jesus!!! Hopefully that number will continue to grow!!

Will started football 2 weeks ago and he is the second best player, yes he's my son and I'm going to be bias, but he is honestly really good, plus he and his Daddy both take football VERY serious!!! He's playing flag football this year and he's not a happy camper about it being flag. He wants the full effect of football with the pads, helmet and all, but we believe he needs to start out slow, learn the techniques of football and then next year if his love for life is still football, then we will do the real thing. We are just conservative like that :) Plus, it terrifies me for him to be playing real football. He thinks he is un-hurt-able... be we all know that's untrue! The child is just shy of 7 but he acts like he's 17, SCARY!!!!! Honestly, it scares me for him to get bigger, he's starting to learn more about life and he's super smart... I'm seriously scared of my own son! ha..

I had him when I was young and still in college, everyone would ask me if I was scared or nervous about having kids, I have always said, nope it's doesn't worry me at all to have babies, but when they get older, it TERRIFIES me!!!!!!! I mean they start learning about life, right from wrong and everything in between, AND it's all OUR responsibility for them to turn out ok. That's pretty dang terrifying to me y'all... I'm just sayin! With the good Lord on our side, I think we will all be ok though, a little bit of faith is all we have in life sometimes!

At work I have been offered a really, great position that I don't believe I can pass up. I still get to keep my part time hours, keep my benefits and have a potential of more money. I am seriously still shocked to be working at a company that believes in me so much! I'm so blessed, just honestly blessed!

Alright I've got to go help Luke with his stickers... I need to make sure he is sticking them on the paper instead of on the furniture, so y'all have a blessed week and if I don't hear from you before the weekend, make it a great Labor Day weekend! Love y'all!