Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's September already

Can y'all believe it's September 2nd? I mean before long I will be carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating, headed to Momma's for Thanksgiving and doing my Christmas shopping.. Oh how I love this time of the year!!! I can just smell the Holidays right around the corner.
(seriously, I'm smelling a fall festive candle right now)

I have several different things to update y'all on and it's been a week since I last blogged, so it's time for a post. So far I've lost 6 lbs with my insulin back in control, I've been on my medication 2 weeks today. Thank you Jesus!!! Hopefully that number will continue to grow!!

Will started football 2 weeks ago and he is the second best player, yes he's my son and I'm going to be bias, but he is honestly really good, plus he and his Daddy both take football VERY serious!!! He's playing flag football this year and he's not a happy camper about it being flag. He wants the full effect of football with the pads, helmet and all, but we believe he needs to start out slow, learn the techniques of football and then next year if his love for life is still football, then we will do the real thing. We are just conservative like that :) Plus, it terrifies me for him to be playing real football. He thinks he is un-hurt-able... be we all know that's untrue! The child is just shy of 7 but he acts like he's 17, SCARY!!!!! Honestly, it scares me for him to get bigger, he's starting to learn more about life and he's super smart... I'm seriously scared of my own son! ha..

I had him when I was young and still in college, everyone would ask me if I was scared or nervous about having kids, I have always said, nope it's doesn't worry me at all to have babies, but when they get older, it TERRIFIES me!!!!!!! I mean they start learning about life, right from wrong and everything in between, AND it's all OUR responsibility for them to turn out ok. That's pretty dang terrifying to me y'all... I'm just sayin! With the good Lord on our side, I think we will all be ok though, a little bit of faith is all we have in life sometimes!

At work I have been offered a really, great position that I don't believe I can pass up. I still get to keep my part time hours, keep my benefits and have a potential of more money. I am seriously still shocked to be working at a company that believes in me so much! I'm so blessed, just honestly blessed!

Alright I've got to go help Luke with his stickers... I need to make sure he is sticking them on the paper instead of on the furniture, so y'all have a blessed week and if I don't hear from you before the weekend, make it a great Labor Day weekend! Love y'all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Katie..
I know what you mean.. my husband was just saying its only ??? days till christmas.. and I said hold on.. it cant be that close already..
My son just started High School foot ball.. we went to his first was awesome..Im not a sports person,,but it does something to you when you see you son out there on the field.. Proud
Well enjoy your Autumn time..
See ya soon