Thursday, December 10, 2009

i am THAT mom...

* who forgets to make the boys brush their teeth everynight...
*who refuses to let my boys get cable TV in their room. The only purpose of their TV is to watch DVD's, they should be happy to have that!
*who feeds my boys MUCH healthier food than myself and hubby!
*who reads one Bible story each night to my boys and I'm not afraid to say that I learn a lot each night by doing so...
*who is driving while putting on makeup in the morning, talking on the phone, sipping my water and singing to my favorite tunes... the morning drive to work is my most favorite time of the day!
*who trys to have control over way too many situations... I need to make my boys help out more, life would be easier for us all!
*who lays out my kids clothes everynight, even though they really want too... I just can not let them look like orphans!
*who is completely, 100% in love with my life! And looking forward to our future!!!
Got my inspiration from Brittany
Too much fun!!


Elizabeth said...

Your awesome Mom!! As for the control factor, I am right there with ya! :-)

Candice Pair said...

Youre a wonderful mom!!!

There's No Place Like Memphis Mama said...

Haha this makes me laugh! I am guilty as charged on some of those:)