Monday, December 21, 2009


Ok ladies, so what is YOUR family traditions at Christmas time??? I'm curious, we have set our own traditions in our family, we have combined several things from both my childhood and John's childhood, but I heard of a new tradition this year that we are going to try and give me some more ideas, what are y'alls traditions?????? :)

As a adult with children of my own, I now realized just how important "traditions" really are to them. As a child, I could care less what we did, but it's so important now! On Christmas Eve, we always go to Christmas Eve Service and then ride around looking at Chirstmas lights, then we get home, open up 1 present (it's only the Christmas pajamas) and then we sit around (in our new pj's) and watch "It's a Wonderful Life". The Christmas service, looking at lights and opening 1 present was always something I did as a child. Watching "Its A Wonderful Life" is something that John always did as a child. So we just compromised and we enjoy doing them both!

The "new" tradition that I want to do every year is making baby Jesus a birthday cake. I let the boys at the store this past weekend pick out which kind of cake they wanted and so we will make it Christmas Eve and eat it with the family on Christmas Day!!! It's such a great way to incorporate what the TRUE meaning of Christmas really is all about and I hope they understand :)

So, let me know what your traditions you do with your family... I LOVE new ideas! So come on.... let me know!



Natalie said...

We also do the one present on Christmas Eve (and it's always new pj's). My hubby's grandparents are Polish & do a traditional Polish dinner on Christmas Eve. We make our own Polish sausage every year.
I love sharing the things with my kids that I did during my own childhood. I often wonder what parts are going to stay with them.

Laura said...

We also do the one present on Christmas Eve and it's PJ's. We go to my mom and dad's on Christmas Eve and have finger foods and watch Christmas movies and pop fireworks. We also have pictures with Santa sometime during the season and I put them in frames every year around our home. We make and decorate Christmas cookies and this year I incorporated the birthday cake for Jesus. In pink, of course! Merry Christmas!

Elizabeth said...

In the past few years, my family is making new tradtions after the death of my oldest brother, so we all write him a letter and read it out loud to him so the whole family can hear. So that is a new tradtion that we do.. I think it is important for families to bond this time of year and reflect together on the year that is passing. I am also starting to do goals for each year!